Letter Machine Editions is a small, nonprofit publisher of books and chapbooks, run by Lisa Wells and Joshua Marie Wilkinson. We are based in Portland, Oregon, in the United States. Joshua Marie Wilkinson is the Publisher. Lisa Wells serves as Editor-in-Chief. Our most recent titles are designed by HR Hegnauer. Letter Machine was founded in Denver, Colorado in 2007 by poets Noah Eli Gordon (1975-2022).
To date we’ve published nearly twenty titles, and our books have been honored by the National Book Foundation, the LA Times Book Prizes, Poetry Society of America, the Arab American Book Awards, and other organizations. Letter Machine books and chapbooks have been reviewed in The New York Times, American Book Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, Jacket2, Rain Taxi, The Washington Post, The Rumpus, Coldfront, & Vice, among many others. Fred Moten’s book The Feel Trio was named a finalist for the National Book Award in Poetry and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize in Poetry as well; it also won the Gold Medal in Poetry from the California Book Awards. Brandon Shimoda’s book Evening Oracle was selected as the winner of the William Carlos Williams Award from the Poetry Society of America.
Fourteen of our books have made the SPD best-seller list, including three #1 best-sellers.
Our sister site is a poetry journal called The Volta.
Our titles are available for purchase through Small Press Distribution and the finest independent bookstores in the world. Letter Machine closed its doors to any new publications in 2021. Lisa Wells and Joshua Marie Wilkinson will carry on the legacy of Letter Machine as series editors of the Kuhl House Poets, University of Iowa Press, with poet Mark Levine.
Letter Machine
Cristiana Baik

Anselm Berrigan

Edmund Berrigan

Disarming Matter (Owl Press, 1999) and Glad Stone Children (Farfalla, 2008), as well as several short collections. He is editor of the Selected Poems of Steve Carey (Sub Press, 2009), and is co-editor with Anselm Berrigan and Alice Notley of the Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan (University of California, 2005) and the Selected Poems of Ted Berrigan (University of California, 2010). He is an editor of Vlak magazine and on the editorial board of Lungfull!, has twice received grants from the Fund for Poetry, and was named a NYFA Fellow in poetry in 2009. Letter Machine Editions published Can It! in 2013.
Janelle Effiwatt
Janelle Effiwatt holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Worskhop. Letter Machine published her first chapbook, Like a Thin Hustle, in 2019.
Andy Fitch

Peter Gizzi

Aaron Kunin

Jessica Laser

Juliana Leslie

Mark Levine

Mark Levine is the author of four books of poems, Travels of Marco, Debt, Enola Gay, and The Wilds, and a book of nonfiction, F5.
The recipient of a Whiting Writers’ Award, an NEA, and a Hodder Fellowship from Princeton, his poems have appeared in Best American Poetry, Pushcart Prize Anthology, American Hybrid and American Poets in the Twenty-First Century: The New Poetics. A member of the Workshop faculty since 1999, he has also worked extensively as a journalist for magazines including The New York Times Magazine, Outside, and The New Yorker. In 2018, Letter Machine Editions will release the 25th-Anniversary Edition of Debt, the National Poetry Series Winner and debut poetry collection by Mark Levine, featuring a new introduction by Srikanth Reddy.
Farid Matuk

Fred Moten
Fred Moten works at the intersection of black studies, performance studies, poetry, and critical theory. He is author of Arkansas (Pressed Wafer Press, 2000); In the Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition (University of Minnesota Press, 2003); I ran from it but was still in it. (Cusp Press, 2007); Hughson’s Tavern (Leon Works, 2008); B Jenkins (Duke University Press, 2010); and The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study (with Stefano Harney, available here). Letter Machine Editions published The Feel Trio (Finalist for the National Book Award; Finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize; Winner of the California Book Award) in 2014. Letter Machine published The Service Porch in 2016 and All That Beauty in 2019.
Sawako Nakayasu

arrangement (she, (Quale Press), and So we have been given time Or, (Verse Press). Books of translations include For the Fighting Spirit of the Walnut by Takashi Hiraide (New Directions, 2008) which won the 2009 Best Translated Book Award, as well as Four From Japan (Litmus Press, 2006) featuring four contemporary poets, and To the Vast Blooming Sky (Seeing Eye Books), a chapbook of poems by the Japanese modernist Chika Sagawa. She has received the NEA/JUSFC Fellowship for poetry, and grants from the NEA and PEN for translating Japanese poetry. Her own poetry has been translated into Japanese, Swedish, Arabic, Chinese, and Vietnamese. Letter Machine Editions published Nakayasu’s Texture Notes in 2010.
Travis Nichols

Alice Notley

Andrea Rexilius

Brandon Shimoda
Brandon Shimoda has written several books, all re/incarnations of ghosts left out of the others. These include, most recently, Portuguese (Octopus/Tin House), O Bon (Litmus Press), and a book of prose about his dead grandfather, The Grave on the Wall, which won the Pen Open Book Award. He also co-edited (with Thom Donovan) To look at the sea is to become what one is: an Etel Adnan Reader (Nightboat Books). Letter Machine published Shimoda’s Evening Oracle. Born in California, he lives in Tucson, AZ.
Sara Veglahn

John Yau

Letter Machine
Joshua Marie Wilkinson
Joshua Marie Wilkinson (Founding Editor) is the author of Bad Woods (Sidebrow 2021) and eight other books of poetry. He’s the editor of five anthologies of poetics and essays, and the co-director of a film about Califone. He lives Seattle where he’s an adjunct instructor at Seattle University. He also founded and runs a journal called The Volta.
Lisa Wells

Jake Syersak

Jake Syersak (Contributing Editor) is currently a PhD student in Creative Writing at the University of Georgia. His poems have appeared in Colorado Review, Omniverse, Conjunctions, and elsewhere. He is the author of Yield Architecture (Burnside Review 2017). He edits the online literary journal Cloud Rodeo.
Gabriel Oladipo
Gabriel Oladipo (Reader) is a writer currently living in Tucson, where he is studying English and Creative Writing at the University of Arizona. He is from Chicago, Illinois.
Sasha Hawkins

Sasha Hawkins (Intern) is a University of Arizona undergraduate studying creative writing, with a minor in film. She is from Laveen, which is just the farthest southwest you can go and still be in Phoenix.
HR Hegnauer

HR Hegnauer is the author of the Sir (Portable Press, 2013). She is a designer specializing in working with independent publishers as well as individual artists and writers. She received her MFA in Writing & Poetics from Naropa University, where she has also taught in the Summer Writing Program.
Will Stanier

Letter Machine Editions is no longer publishing new work. While we will keep our catalog in print–and available through Small Press Distribution–the editors (Lisa Wells and Joshua Marie Wilkinson) have recently joined University of Iowa Press to become series editors of the Kuhl House Poets series with Mark Levine. We will carry on the legacy of Letter Machine through this new endeavor. Thanks so much for your continued support of Letter Machine. Best, Josh & Lisa.
Presses We Admire
These are just some of the small presses that we follow, with a book from each that we recommend:
- Octopus Books | Wong May’s Picasso’s Tears
- Nightboat Books | Etel Adnan’s To look at the sea is to become what one is
- The Song Cave | Jane Gregory’s My Enemies
- Belladonna | R. Erica Doyle’s Proxy
- Noemi Press | Dot Devota’s And the Girls Worried Terribly
- Rescue Press | Andrea Rexilius’s To Be Human is to be a Conversation
- Gold Line Press | Harmony Holiday’s Go Find Your Father / A Famous Blues
- Canarium Books | John Beer’s The Wasteland
- Ugly Duckling Presse | Tomaž Šalamun’s Poker
- Four Way Books | Yona Harvey’s Hemming the Water
- Kore Press | Sandra Lim’s Loveliest Grotesque
- Brooklyn Arts Press | Julia Cohen’s Collateral Light
- Fence Books | Catherine Wagner’s My New Job
- Tender Buttons Press | Bernadette Mayer’s Sonnets
- Action Books | Abraham Smith’s Whim Man Mammon
- The Owl Press | Edmund Berrigan’s Disarming Matter
- Wave Books | Anselm Berrigan’s Notes from Irrelevance
- Milkweed Editions | Dan Beachy-Quick’s Wonderful Investigations
- Sidebrow Books | Elaine Bleakney’s For Another Writing Back
- Flim Forum Press | Afton Wilky’s Clarity Speaks of a Crystal Sea
- Flood Editions | Jay Wright’s Music’s Mask & Measure
- Subito Press | Amaranth Borsuk and Andy Fitch’s As We Know
- Black Ocean | Elisa Gabbert’s The Self Unstable
- Litmus Press | Brandon Shimoda’s O Bon
- Dorothy, A Publishing Project | Renee Gladman’s Event Factory
- Ahsahta Press | Julie Carr’s 100 Notes on Violence
- Omnidawn | Martha Ronk’s In a Landscape of Having to Repeat
- Split Level Texts | Maged Zaher’s If Reality Doesn’t Work Out
- Edge Books | Chris Nealon’s Plummet
- 1913 Press | Jane Lewty’s Bravura Cool
- Center for Literary Publishing | Eric Baus’s Scared Text
- Shearsman Books | Rosa Alcalá’s The Lust of Unsentimental Waters
- University of California Press | Geoffrey G. O’Brien’s Metropole
- Kenning Editions | Tan Lin’s Insomnia & The Aunt
- Fairy Tale Review & Press | Johannes Göransson’s Pilot (“Johan the Carousel Horse”)
- Archipelago Books | Henri Michaux’s Stroke by Stroke
- New Michigan Press | Ben Mirov’s I is to Vorticism
- Birds, LLC | Sommer Browning’s The Backup Singers
- Subpress | Hoa Nguyen’s Your Ancient See Through
- Wesleyan University Press | Joseph Ceravolo’s Collected Poems
- Burning Deck Press | Elizabeth Willis’s Turneresque
- Krupskaya Books | Stephanie Young’s Ursula or University
- Futurepoem Books | Ronaldo V. Wilson’s Poems of the Black Object
- Dalkey Archive | C.S. Giscombe’s Prairie Style
- University of Iowa Press | Cole Swensen’s Such Rich Hour
- Chax Press | Rodney Phillips’s Exit Moonshine, Enter Wall
- Counterpath | giovanni singleton’s Ascension
- Apogee Press | Tsering Wangmo Dhompa’s My Rice Tastes Like the Lake
- Kelsey Street Press | Bhanu Kapil’s Humaninimal, A Project for Future Children
- Otis Books / Seismicity Editions | Forrest Gander’s Panic Cure: Poetry from Spain for the 21st Century
- University of Arizona Press | Roberto Tejada’s Full Foreground
- Les Figues | Matias Viegener’s 2500 Random Facts About Me
- Factory Hollow Press | Shane McCrae’s Forgiveness, Forgiveness
- Black Square Editions | Garrett Caples’s The Garrett Caples Reader
- Siglio Press | Danielle Dutton’s Sprawl
- Atelos | Ed Roberson’s City Eclogue
- Switchback Books | Cindy Arrieu King’s Manifest
- Coconut Books | Danielle Pafunda’s The Dead Girls Speak in Unison
- Lost Roads Press | Besmilr Brigham’s Run Through Rock
- Big Lucks | Mathias Svalina’s Wastoid
- Bloof Books | Jennifer L. Knox’s The Mysteries of the Hidden Driveway
- Spork Press | Brian Blanchfield’s The History of Ideas
- Louisiana State University Press | Matt Rasmussen’s Black Aperture
- Coffee House Press | Ron Padgett’s Collected Poems
- Host Publications | Nicanor Parra’s After Dinner Declarations
- Small Beer Press | Kelly Link’s Stranger Things Happen
- Roof Books | Mark McMorris’s The Café at Light
- Publishing Genius | Mike Young’s Sprezzatura
- BookThug | Lisa Robertson’s Nilling
- Saturnalia Books | John Yau’s Ing Grish
- University of Pittsburgh Press | Michael Burkard’s Ruby for Grief
- Boa Editions | Aurelie Sheehan’s Jewelry Box
- Alice James Books | Stephen Motika’s Western Practice
- Green Integer | Rae Armantrout’s The Pretext
Some Bigger Presses Whose Books We Also Admire
- New Directions | Anne Carson’s Nox
- FSG | Jeff Clark’s Music & Suicide
- W.W. Norton | Cathy Park Hong’s Engine Empire
- Graywolf Press | Claudia Rankine’s Don’t Let Me Be Lonely
- Penguin Poets | Alice Notley’s In the Pines
- Copper Canyon Press | C.D. Wright’s Deepstep Come Shining